
Is Mark Schlissel Jewish?

Mark S. Schlissel is Jewish. Born November 24, 1957, Schlissel is the president-elect of the University of Michigan. Schlissel will become U-M's 14th president on July 1, 2014, following the retirement of Mary Sue Coleman. His contract with the University of Michigan lasts five years, and his base salary is $750,000. Schlissel is married to Monica Schwebs, an environmental and energy lawyer, and has four adult children.

Mark Schlissel was born in Brooklyn, New York to two Jewish parents. He graduated with a BA in Biochemical Sciences from Princeton University in 1979. He earned his MD degree and a PhD in Physiological Chemistry from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1986 through the Medical Scientist Training Program. His residency in Internal Medicine was conducted at the Johns Hopkins Hospital from 1986-88. His postdoctoral research fellowship was under David Baltimore at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Whitehead Institute.

Schlissel became a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1991. He moved to the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley in 1999 as an associate professor, becoming a full professor in 2002. At UC Berkeley he served as Dean of Biological Sciences in the College of Letters & Science from 2008 to 2011. In 2011 he became provost at Brown University.

Is Pete Seeger Jewish?

Pete Seeger was not Jewish. On January 27, 2014 Pete Seeger, died in New York City at 94.

Pete Seger, the American folk singer, was the author or co-author of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" (with Joe Hickerson), "If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)" (composed with Lee Hays of the Weavers), and "Turn, Turn, Turn!", which have been recorded by many artists both in and outside the folk revival movement and are still sung throughout the world.

Seeger was born at the French Hospital, Midtown Manhattan. His Yankee-Protestant family, which Seeger called "enormously Christian, in the Puritan, Calvinist New England tradition", traced its genealogy back over 200 years. A paternal ancestor, Karl Ludwig Seeger, a physician from Württemberg, Germany, had emigrated to America during the American Revolution and married into an old New England family in the 1780s. Pete's father, the Harvard-trained composer and musicologist Charles Louis Seeger, Jr., established the first musicology curriculum in the U.S. at the University of California in 1913, helped found the American Musicological Society, and was a key founder of the academic discipline of ethnomusicology. Pete's mother, Constance de Clyver Edson, raised in Tunisia and trained at the Paris Conservatory of Music, was a concert violinist and later a teacher at the Juilliard School.

Seeger was one of the folksingers most responsible for popularizing the spiritual "We Shall Overcome" (also recorded by Joan Baez) that became the acknowledged anthem of the 1960s American Civil Rights Movement.

Pete Seeger first visited Israel in 1964 and spent time on an Israeli kibbutz -- several in fact. Seeger performed Israeli folk tunes with the Weavers in the 1950s as part of the larger folk revival he was helping to champion. And just two years ago, he recorded a video for the Jewish retreat center Isabella Freedman that recalls the three questions posed by the Jewish sage Hillel.

In 2011, after a report that Seeger supported a boycott of Israel, he acknowledged to that he “probably said” he supported such a measure, but that his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were evolving. 

Is James Franco Jewish?

James Franco is a Jew. Franco was born in Palo Alto, California. His mother, Betsy Lou (née Verne) is Jewish. She is a writer and actress. Franco's father, Douglas Eugene "Doug" Franco (d. 2011), ran a Silicon Valley business. James Franco's Jewish family on his mother's side were Russian Jewish immigrants.

The Jewish actor who had a lead part on the short-lived cult hit television program Freaks and Geeks later played James Dean (2001), for which he was awarded a Golden Globe Award. He also played Harry Osborn in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.

James Franco's notable films include Pineapple Express, Milk, 127 Hours, Tristan & Isolde, Annapolis, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and 2013 releases Oz the Great and Powerful, Spring Breakers, This Is the End, and Lovelace. He also had a recurring role in the ABC soap opera General Hospital. For his role in 127 Hours, Franco received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

Is Ian Kinsler Jewish?

Ian Kinsler is a Jew. Ian Kinsler is a Major League Baseball player with the Texas Rangers. He was traded to the Detroit Tigers in November 2013 during the offseason in a trade that sent Prince Fielder to the Rangers.

Ian Kinsler's father is Jewish and Kinsler considers himself a Jewish baseball player.

Kinsler's mother is Catholic. According to Wikipedia, he has become a prominent figure in the Jewish community, and enjoys the attention that he attracts from it. He was featured in the 2008 Hank Greenberg 75th Anniversary edition of Jewish Major Leaguers Baseball Cards, licensed by Major League Baseball, commemorating the Jewish major leaguers from 1871 through 2008. He joined, among others, teammate Scott Feldman, Brad Ausmus, Kevin Youkilis, Ryan Braun, Gabe Kapler, Jason Marquis, Jason Hirsh, John Grabow, Craig Breslow, and Scott Schoeneweis. Kinsler was one of three Jewish players in the 2008 All Star Game, joining Youkilis and Braun. He says that "Youkilis will always say something to me on the bases [referring to the fact that they are both Jewish]. 'Happy Passover,' he'll throw something at me."

Kinsler, who would have been eligible to play for Israel in the 2013 World Baseball Classic because of his Jewish heritage, said: "Wow, I would be happy to play for Team Israel.... The truth is that if a proposal comes from Team USA to play for them, I will have a very difficult decision to make. Youk [New York's Kevin Youkilis], Braun [Milwaukee's Ryan Braun], and I could make a fantastic team. I am sure that I'll talk it over with Youk – we always laugh about things like this."

Kinsler married Tess Brady, his high school sweetheart, on November 18, 2006. Their daughter, Rian Brooklynn Kinsler, was born December 5, 2008.On June 8, 2011 Ian's wife gave birth to a son, Jack Jamisson Kinsler. He was put on paternity leave due to the birth.

In 2008 Kinsler won the Rangers' Jim Sundberg Community Achievement Award, in recognition of his having devoted a great deal of his personal time to the community.

[Source: Rabbi Jason Miller in the Huffington Post]

Was Jack Ruby Jewish?

Jack Ruby was Jewish. Jack Ruby was the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald.

Born Jacob Leon Rubenstein on March 25, 1911 to Joseph Rubenstein (1871–1958) and Fannie Turek Rutkowski (or Rokowsky), both Polish-born, Orthodox Jews, in Chicago. Jack Leon Ruby was a nightclub operator in Dallas, Texas. Ruby was originally from Chicago, Illinois; he moved to Dallas in 1947. On November 24, 1963, Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who assassinated President John F. Kennedy. A Dallas jury found Ruby guilty of murdering Oswald, and Ruby was sentenced to death. Later, Ruby appealed his conviction and death sentence and was granted a new trial. As the date for his new trial was being set, Ruby became ill and died of a pulmonary embolism due to lung cancer on January 3, 1967.

Some contend Ruby was involved with major figures in organized crime, and conspiracy theorists widely assert that Ruby killed Oswald as part of an overall plot surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy. Others have disputed this, arguing that Ruby's connection with gangsters was minimal at most, or circumstantial, and also that Ruby was not the sort to be entrusted with such an act within a high-level conspiracy. Ruby never married.

In an article in the Jewish Daily Forward, Steve North wrote the following about Jack Ruby's Jewish heritage:

We were sharing a pastrami sandwich and pickles at the Los Angeles landmark Canter’s Deli. I was 24. She was nearly 50 years older, with a piercing voice as loud as her flaming red wig.
Her name was Eva Rubenstein Grant, and she was a little-known nightclub manager the morning of Nov. 24, 1963, when her brother left the apartment they shared in Dallas and blasted his way into infamy by fatally shooting Lee Harvey Oswald. It was history’s first live televised murder.
Eva worked and lived with Jack Ruby and spent the rest of her life defending him against various allegations.
“I swear on my life, my brother was not three things,” Eva told me, her voice rising. “He was not a homosexual. He was not with the communists. And certainly not with the underworld.”
Journalist Steve North with the siblings of Jack Ruby: From left, Eva, Sam and Earl, 1989. JTA
Journalist Steve North with the siblings of Jack Ruby: From left, Eva, Sam and Earl, 1989.
I listened with fascination to Eva that day in 1977. (Years later she was perfectly portrayed in a TV movie by Doris Roberts, the high-decibel mom on “Everybody Loves Raymond.” She died in November 1992 at 83.)
“But Mrs. Grant,” I said. “Jack had ties to the ‘syndicate,’ as you call it, as far back as your childhood in Chicago.”
“Look,” she replied in exasperation. “We would see these people in the neighborhood and we’d ask, how’s your mother? How’s your sister? But that doesn’t mean Jack was connected with them. I grew up with a bunch of boys who turned out to be no good. Who knew?”
It was a quintessentially Jewish response, albeit delivered in Eva’s hybrid Chicago-Dallas accent. And the Rubensteins were a staunchly Jewish family, a fact that may have played a role in Ruby’s killing of Oswald, President John F. Kennedy’s assassin.
Ruby was born Jacob Rubenstein in 1911 to a family of Polish-Jewish immigrants. His parents, Joseph and Fannie, were a volatile couple. Joseph was a mean and abusive drunk. Fannie suffered from mental illness and at one point was committed to an Illinois state hospital.
Their eight children had their fair share of problems, both before and after the parents separated. Ruby and three of his siblings were made wards of Chicago’s Jewish Home Finding Society and placed in foster homes for periods of time during the 1920s.
Despite their dysfunctional world, the Rubensteins kept a kosher home, observed the holidays, sent their boys to Hebrew school and attended synagogue.
Ruby idolized Chicago Jewish boxing champion Barney Ross, who later described him as a “well-behaved” youth. But others recall Ruby’s hair-trigger temper and street brawls, especially when taunted by the non-Jews in his mixed Jewish-Italian neighborhood. Ruby’s biographer, Seth Kantor, relates that as an Air Force private, Ruby once beat up a sergeant who called him “a Jew bastard.”
After World War II, Eva moved to Dallas and began managing nightclubs and restaurants. Ruby received an honorable discharge from the Air Force in 1946 and joined Eva a year later in Texas. It was in 1947 that Jack, along with brothers Earl and Sam, legally changed his last name to Ruby.
As a young man in Chicago, Ruby reportedly ran errands for Al Capone’s cousin and henchman Frank Nitti. A former Dallas sheriff once testified that Chicago mafia figures told him that Ruby was sent to Texas to run nightclubs that were fronts for illegal gambling operations.
According to evidence uncovered by the U.S. House of Representatives Assassinations Committee in the 1970s, Ruby was later linked to mobsters Carlos Marcello and Santos Traficante, who the panel considered prime suspects in a possible mob conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy.
Whatever he was doing behind the scenes, Ruby became known as a nightclub owner and at some point began attending services at Congregation Shearith Israel. Rabbi Hillel Silverman, who was the Dallas synagogue’s spiritual leader from 1954 to 1964, says Ruby came to say Kaddish for his father.
“He came to minyan one day with a cast on his arm,” Silverman recalled. “I said, ‘Jack, what happened?’ He said, ‘In my club, somebody was very raucous, and I was the bouncer.’ ”
Silverman, now 89 and still leading High Holy Days services every year, remembers Ruby well. Once Ruby showed up at the rabbi’s house with a litter of puppies and insisted the rabbi take one. When the family went to Israel one summer, Ruby looked after the dog.
“The day of the assassination, we had our regular Friday night service, which became a memorial service for the president,” Silverman said. “Jack was there. People were either irate or in tears, and Jack was neither. He came over and said, ‘Good Shabbos, rabbi. Thank you for visiting my sister Eva in the hospital last week.’ I thought that was rather peculiar.”
Two days later, Silverman spoke to his Sunday morning confirmation class, expressing relief to the students that Lee Harvey Oswald was not Jewish or there might have been a “pogrom” in Dallas. He then switched on the radio and heard that a “Jack Rubenstein” had killed the assassin.
“I was shocked,” said Silverman. “I visited him the next day in jail, and I said, ‘Why, Jack, why?’ He said, ‘I did it for the American people.’”
I interrupted Silverman, pointing out that other reports had Ruby saying he did it “to show that Jews had guts.” The rabbi sighed.
“Yes, he mentioned that,” Silverman said. “But I don’t like to mention it. I think he said, ‘I did it for the Jewish people.’ But I’ve tried to wipe that statement from my mind.”
Another person close to Ruby who tried, unsuccessfully, to block out the past is his nephew, “Craig” Ruby. (He asked that I not publish his real first name). His early memories are pleasant: Uncle Jack having a shot of whiskey with Craig’s father, doling out silver dollars to the kids, his flashy sports cars.
Like millions of Americans, Craig watched Oswald’s murder live on television. Soon afterward, he and his mother heard the name of the gunman.
“Did you ever hear the expression ‘The color drained from her face?’ I literally saw my mother’s face go from flesh to green,” he recalled. “At age 12, that was a little freaky to watch.”
Half a century after the fact, Craig is still bitter over the dramatic effect his childless uncle’s act had on the extended family, including bomb threats and huge legal bills. Given his last name, Craig was an easy target for bullies during his junior high school years in Dallas. But worst of all was facing Uncle Jack himself.
“One Sunday my dad insisted we go to see Jack in jail,” Craig said. “Outside, a police car’s siren started up, and my uncle was standing there with this incredibly intense, wild-eyed look on his face, and he yelled, ‘You hear that? You hear that? They’re torturing Jews in the basement!’ That particular experience was traumatic enough to where talking about it right now, 50 years later, is turning my gut into a knot.”
Silverman, who later testified before the Warren Commission, also vividly remembers his jailhouse visits.
“In prison, he deteriorated psychologically,” the rabbi said. “One time I walked in and he said, ‘Come on, rabbi, duck underneath the table. They’re pouring oil on the Jews and setting it on fire.’ He was quite psychotic.”
My initial connection to the Ruby family was through Eva, who I convinced to appear on ABC’s “Good Night America” program in 1976. Later I visited her several times at her apartment in Los Angeles, where she once gave me the last piece of stationary from Jack’s Carousel Club.
She introduced me to her brothers — Earl, who owned a dry cleaning store in Detroit, and Sam, who lived in the Los Angeles suburb of Sylmar. Sam showed me the one picture he had of their immigrant parents as well as the rusting car Jack drove to the Dallas police station the morning he shot Oswald.
In 1991, Earl allowed me to rendezvous with him in Dallas on the day he retrieved Jack’s gun, which he won after a decades-long legal battle. I later showed the weapon on television for the first time since 1963, shortly before it was auctioned off for $220,000.
The brothers also downplayed Jack’s ties to the mob. Sam, who died in 2008 at age 95, leaned in close and lowered his voice, confiding: “These guys would come into Jack’s club, and you had to be nice to them, ya know.”
Ironically, when Earl chose a place for us to meet in Dallas the day he was given Jack’s gun, he picked an Italian restaurant better known for its links to the Mafia than its lasagna. (Earl died in 2006 at 90.)
Some conspiracy theorists believe Ruby was ordered to silence Oswald by his organized crime contacts. Others, who think the murder was an impulsive act, point to Ruby’s fury over an anti-Kennedy advertisement in a Dallas newspaper the morning of the president’s visit. It was paid for by a right-wing Jewish activist named Bernard Weissman, which Ruby thought put Jews in a bad light.
We will never know for sure. What Craig Ruby knows for certain is that he did not mourn his uncle’s death from cancer in 1967. His family had moved to Chicago by then and when he saw the headline announcing Ruby’s death, he felt like a weight had lifted.
As for having a connection to one of the darkest moments in American history, Craig Ruby’s view has not changed in 50 years.
“I wish to God it hadn’t happened to us.”
(Steve North is a broadcast journalist with CBS News who’s been reporting on the Kennedy assassination since 1976.)

Is Sasha Cohen Jewish?

Yes, the figure skater Sasha Cohen is Jewish. Her mother, Galina (née Feldman), is a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine and a former ballet dancer. Her father, Roger Cohen, graduated from the University of California, Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law. Roger Cohen was formerly a law partner at Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, and Of Counsel at Dorsey and Whitney. He is Founder and CEO of VerticalPoint Solutions, a company that simplifies and automates compliance for document intensive industries. VerticalPoint is based in Orange County, California.

Disambiguation: Is comedian/actor Sasha Baron Cohen Jewish? 

Is Max Scherzer Jewish?

Max Scherzer is not a Jew. The Detroit Tigers starting pitcher is not Jewish although some think that he is based on his last name.

Maxwell M. "Max" Scherzer was born July 27, 1984 and raised in Chesterfield, Missouri to Brad and Jan Scherzer, neither of whom are Jewish. Max Scherzer is engaged to model Erica May and the couple will marry on November 23, 2013 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The professional baseball pitcher with the Detroit Tigers of Major League Baseball also played for the Arizona Diamondbacks. In 2013, he won the American League Cy Young Award. Scherzer has one eye that is blue and one eye that is brown.

After playing for Parkway Central High School in his hometown, Scherzer was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals in the 43rd round (1,291st overall) in the 2003 Major League Baseball Draft but did not sign and instead attended the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. He was then drafted again in 2006 by the Arizona Diamondbacks, this time in the 1st round as the 11th overall pick. On January 9, 2012 it was announced that Scherzer would be one of six new inductees to the University of Missouri Intercollegiate Athletics Hall of Fame. While at Mizzou he was Big 12 Pitcher of the Year in 2005. He was Mizzou's first-ever 1st round MLB pick.

Is Brad Ausmus Jewish?

Is Brad Ausmus a Jew? Yes, the former Major League Baseball player and current manager of the Detroit Tigers, is Jewish.

Bradley David "Brad" Ausmus is Jewish, and was born in New Haven, Connecticut. His mother is Jewish, and his father, Harry, is Protestant. His father is a retired professor of European history at Southern Connecticut State University, and the author of A Schopenhauerian Critique of Nietzsche's Thought, which Ausmus calls his "favorite book."

Although Ausmus' mother is Jewish, he was not raised with the Jewish religion; he occasionally celebrated the High Holidays with his mother and her side of the family. Nonetheless, he still takes pride in his heritage. Ausmus stated in an interview with the Jewish Journal: "I wasn’t raised with the Jewish religion, so in that sense I don’t really have much feeling toward it. But, however, in the last 10 or so years, I have had quite a few young Jewish boys who will tell me that I am their favorite player or they love watching me play or they feel like baseball is a good fit for them because it worked for me or it worked for Shawn Green or other Jewish players at the major league level. It has been a sense of pride. If you can have a positive impact on a kid, I’m all for it."

In 2001 he did not play on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, quipping that he "was trying to atone for my poor first half." Ausmus was the manager of the 2013 World Baseball Classic Israel team, which under the Classic's rules entitles non-Israeli citizens of Jewish heritage to play for the team. is a former catcher in Major League Baseball and the current manager of the Detroit Tigers. He has also been the manager of the Israel national baseball team.
A 1987 draft pick of the New York Yankees, he chose to alternate attending Dartmouth College and playing minor league baseball.

According to blogger Rabbi Jason Miller, Ausmus is one of only a handful of managers in Major League Baseball history and it looks like several of them were catchers in their playing days. There is also a high proportion of Jewish managers who at one point managed the Oakland Athletics. Rabbi Jason writes, "The only other Jewish men to ever manage a Major League Baseball team were Lipman Pike (1800s), Lou Boudreau (Indians, Red Sox, Oakland and Cubs), Bob Melvin (Seattle, Arizona and Oakland), Norm Sherry (Angels) and Jeff Newman (interim for Oakland)."

Is Simon Cowell Jewish?

Is Simon Cowell a Jew? According to the website, Simon Cowell has a Jewish father and is planning to marry his Jewish girlfriend in a Jewish ceremony:

The British musical reality shows judge is said to be taking Israeli folk dance classes in preparation for his wedding to his girlfriend Lauren Silverman, who is Jewish. According to reports, the couple's wedding will be officiated by a rabbi. The Daily Mall reports that Simon Cowell, 54, the English eternal judge of musical reality shows, plans to get married in a Jewish wedding, his good friends say. Cowell, who was born to a Jewish father, is set to marry his pregnant Jewish girlfriend Lauren Silverman in the coming year, and the two will be blessed by a rabbi.

Wikipedia reports that "Cowell was born in Lambeth, London, England, and brought up in Elstree, Hertfordshire.His mother, Julie Brett (née Josie Dalglish), is a former ballet dancer and socialite, and his father, Eric Selig Phillip Cowell (1918–1999),was an estate agent developer and music industry executive.Cowell's father was from a mostly Jewish family, though he did not discuss his background with his children (Cowell's paternal grandmother had immigrated from Poland). Cowell's mother was from a Christian background, and is of part Scottish descent. He has a younger brother, Nicholas Cowell, three half-brothers, John, Tony, and Michael Cowell, and a half-sister, June Cowell."

According to an article in Haaretz, titled "Is Simon Cowell planning on converting to Judaism?":

A report in The Daily Mirror suggests so. According to the British tabloid, the "X Factor" boss, 54, is planning to embrace the Jewish faith of his girlfriend and soon-to-be mother of his first child Lauren Silverman, 36. Silverman isn't Cowell's first connection with Judaism; according to "Sweet Revenge: The Intimate Life of Simon Cowell," the celebrity's father was Jewish, but didn't share the religion with his children. The TV mogul was raised Roman Catholic, but has previously expressed little interest in religion, the Mirror said.
The Mirror report also states that after he converts, Cowell will embark on a secret trip to Israel. “Simon is getting increasingly excited about becoming a daddy," a source told the Mirror. “He really is embracing fatherhood and wants to be the first person to cradle his new-born son. He is open to reason on the subject of religion and the faith in which his son is brought up. But he is naturally inquisitive and really wants to visit Israel so that he can make a more informed decision.” Cowell’s son is due on February 28, the source added. "Contrary to reports, Cowell intends to be at the birth and has booked out a top £12,000-a-night private hospital in the US ahead of Lauren’s elective C-section," the Mirror report states, "And while he is keeping quiet about the baby’s first name, he has told pals the middle one will be Eric – after his late father." The Mirror reported that following the baby's birth, the couple will settle down in Cowell's west London mansion. Cowell recently made headlines in Israel when he donated some $150,000 to the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. At a fundraising gala event in Los Angeles, the organization raised $20 million.
It was also reported that Cowell was considering taking traditional Israeli dancing lessons in preparation for his upcoming wedding to Silverman.

Is Lou Reed Jewish?

Was Lou Reed Jewish? Yes, Lou Reed was Jewish. Born Lewis Allan "Lou" Reed on March 2, 1942, Lou Reed was an American rock musician and songwriter. He died on  October 27, 2013.

According to Wikipedia, after being guitarist, vocalist, and principal songwriter of the Velvet Underground, his solo career spanned several decades. The Velvet Underground were a commercial failure in the late 1960s, but the group has gained a considerable cult following in the years since its demise and has gone on to become one of the most widely cited and influential bands of the era.

Lou Reed was born at Beth El Hospital (now Brookdale) in Brooklyn and grew up in Freeport, Long Island. Contrary to some sources, his birth name was Lewis Allan Reed, not Louis Firbanks, a name that was coined as a joke by Lester Bangs in Creem magazine. Lou Reed was the son of Toby (née Futterman) and Sidney Joseph Reed, who was an accountant. Both of his parents were Jewish.

Is Marc Silverstein Jewish?

Marc Silverstein is Jewish. Married to actress Busy Philipps, Marc Silverstein is an American screenwriter, producer, actor, and director. He is known for writing romantic comedy films such as He's Just Not That Into You, Valentine's Day, and The Vow. The couple has two daughters: Birdie Leigh (born August 2008) and Cricket Pearl (born July 2013).

Is Harry Styles Jewish?

Harry Styles is not a Jew. Styles, of the British boy band One Direction, is not Jewish.

Although there have been rumors that he is partially Jewish, his father says that he is not. In August 2013, Harry Styles of One Direction stopped by one of Manhattan’s most popular kosher restaurants, Le Marais. Styles was seen wearing a blue knit yarmulke with his name on it. The kippah was a gift from director Ben Winston. Harry Styles also has a tattoo spelling his sister Gemma’s name in Hebrew.

However, Styles father Des Styles posted the unequivocal answer to the question of Harry Styles' Jewishness on Twitter writing, “Still lots of queries asking if H is some % Jewish? No idea where any rumours came from in but, categorically, he is 0% Jewish. Not at all.”

According to Wikipedia, Harry Edward Styles was born February 1, 1994 and is from the village of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. His mother is Anne Cox (née Selley) and father is Des Styles.

Is Elmore Leonard Jewish?

Elmore Leonard was not Jewish. The crime novelist known for "Get Shorty" and "3:10 to Yuma" died at 87 in August 2013.

Among his best-known works are Get Shorty, Out of Sight, Hombre, Mr. Majestyk, and Rum Punch (adapted for the movie Jackie Brown). Leonard's writings include short stories that became the films 3:10 to Yuma and The Tall T, as well as the current FX television series Justified.

Leonard was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, the son of Flora Amelia (Rive) and Elmore John Leonard, Sr. Because his father worked as a site locator for General Motors, the family moved frequently for several years. In 1934, the family settled in Detroit. He graduated from the University of Detroit Jesuit High School in 1943 and immediately joined the Navy, where he served with the Seabees for three years in the South Pacific.

Leonard—or "Dutch," as he often preferred to be called—got his first break in the fiction market during the 1950s, regularly publishing pulp Western novels. He went on to write in the mystery, crime, and more topical genres, as well as screenwriting.

Elmore Leonard was married to Beverly Claire Cline in 1949, and they had five children together – three daughters and two sons before they got divorced in 1977. His second marriage in 1979, to Joan Leanne Lancaster (aka Joan Shepard), ended with her death in 1993. Later that same year, he married Christine Kent, and they divorced in 2012.

Leonard spent the last years of his life with his family in Oakland County, Michigan. He suffered a stroke on July 29, 2013. Initial reports stated that Leonard was recovering from the stroke. On August 20, 2013, Leonard died at his home in Bloomfield Hills (a Detroit suburb) of complications from the stroke.

Is Elon Musk Jewish?

Elon Musk is not Jewish. The inventor and serial entrepreneur Musk is of Pennsylvania Dutch descent.

Musk, known for founding PayPal, is the CEO/owner of Tesla Motors. He was born in Pretoria, South Africa to a Canadian mother, Maye (née Haldeman), and a South African father, Errol Musk. Maye Haldeman's father, a Minnesota native, in 1950 moved his young family to Pretoria, South Africa.

Elon taught himself computer programming, and by the age of 12 he sold his first program—a space game called Blastar—for about $500.

In June 2013, Elon Musk made a $100,000,000 buy into Tesla Motors. The CEO bought a total of 1,084,129 shares of Tesla Motors at $92.24 per share. This buy cost him exactly $100,000,058.96 and represents the priciest insider buy reported for the company.

This buy is also the first insider buy for the company since Musk's buy in October 2012. Musk currently holds over 28 million shares of his company's stock. Since his most recent buy, the price per share has gone up 0.38%.

Elon Musk is a South African-American entrepreneur. He is best known for founding SpaceX and co-founding Tesla Motors and PayPal. Forbes recognizes him as ranked No. 181 richest of America's Billionaires, No. 66 Powerful People and No. 190 in the Forbes 400. As of March 2013, his net worth is estimated at $2.7 billion. Alongside his stake in Tesla Motors, Musk maintains a chairman position and 10% ownership of SolarCity, a company run by Musk's cousin Lyndon Rive.

Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 in the Silicon Valley of California. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., and currently maintains 31 stores and service locations worldwide. Tesla Motors designs, develops, manufactures and sells high-performance fully electric vehicles and advanced electric vehicle powertrain components. It owns its sales and service network and has operationally structured its business in a manner that it believes will enable it to rapidly develop and launch advanced electric vehicles and technologies.

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Is Eydie Gorme Jewish?

Eydie Gorme was Jewish. Known as a singer who performed solo as well as with her husband, Steve Lawrence, in popular ballads and swing. She earned numerous awards, including a Grammy and an Emmy.

She was born as Edith Gormezano in The Bronx, New York in 1928, the daughter of Fortuna and Nessim Garmezano. Her father was a tailor. She was a cousin of singer-songwriter Neil Sedaka. Her parents were Sephardic Jewish immigrants, her father from Sicily and her mother from Turkey. She graduated from William Howard Taft High School in 1946 with Stanley Kubrick in her class.

Her parents were Sephardic Jews. For more than 55 years, Eydie and Steve Lawrence made beautiful music together. Eydie and Steve were a staple in the American music scene through much of the 20th century.

Vintage 1970s TV appearance:

Eydie Gorme died in August 2013 at age 84.

Is San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Jewish?

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner is Jewish. Filner was born September 4, 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood. He is the son of Sarah F. and Joseph H. Filner, both Jewish.

Filner is divorced from his first wife, Barbara (Christy) Filner, a retired mediation specialist;[59] they have a daughter, Erin Filner, a middle school social studies teacher who lives in Bedford, New York, and a son, Adam Filner, who is married and is the father of two young children. Filner was later married to Jane Merrill. At his first news conference after his election as mayor, Filner introduced his fiancee, Bronwyn Ingram, a disability analyst who works for the Social Security Administration. However, on July 8, 2013, she announced via email to a group of her supporters that the engagement had been called off and the relationship is over. In a subsequent statement, Ingram cited Filner's verbal abuse and blatant sexting as reasons for the split.

Filner attended Cornell University, where he worked on the Cornell Daily Sun, the student newspaper, and took part in civil rights demonstrations. In June 1961, after pulling into the bus station in Jackson, Mississippi as a Freedom Rider, Filner was arrested for "disturbing the peace and inciting a riot." He refused to post bond for his release and remained incarcerated for two months.

Mayor Filner graduated from Cornell in 1963 with a degree in chemistry, and earned his doctorate in history of science from Cornell six years later. While finishing up his PhD, he moved to San Diego, becoming a history professor at San Diego State University for more than 20 years.

Filner is the 35th and current Mayor of San Diego. Filner was previously the U.S. Representative for California's 51st congressional district, and previously the 50th, serving from 1993 to 2012, and was chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs 2007-2011. He is a member of the Democratic Party.

In the summer of 2013 Mayor Bob Filner was accused by several former employees of sexual harassment. 

Is Eliot Spitzer Jewish?

Eliot Spitzer is Jewish. Spitzer was born June 10, 1959 in the Bronx. Spitzer is the son of Anne (née Goldhaber), an English literature professor, and Bernard Spitzer, a real estate mogul.[10][11] His paternal grandparents were Galician Jews, born in Tluste, Poland (now Ukraine). His maternal grandparents, born in the 1890s, were Jewish immigrants from Palestine.

Spitzer is the youngest of three children. He was raised in the affluent Riverdale section of The Bronx in New York City. His family was not particularly religious, and Spitzer did not have a Bar Mitzvah. He was raised in New York by his father, real estate tycoon Bernard Spitzer. He attended Princeton University for undergraduate studies and then Harvard Law School for his Juris Doctor. It was there that he met his future wife, Silda Wall. He went on to work for the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, and subsequently the Manhattan District Attorney's office to pursue organized crime. He launched the investigation that brought down the Gambino crime family's control over Manhattan's garment and trucking industries. In 1994, Spitzer left to work at the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom and, later, Constantine and Partners.

In 2007, Spitzer was inaugurated Governor of New York after defeating Republican John Faso. During his time in office, he proposed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York and issued an executive order allowing undocumented immigrants to be issued driver's licenses; both attracted controversy. In July 2007, he was admonished for his administration's involvement in ordering the New York State Police to record the whereabouts of State Senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno. On March 10, 2008, it was reported that Spitzer was a client of Emperors Club VIP. The scandal prompted him to resign as Governor on March 17. On July 7, 2013, Spitzer announced he would be running for New York City Comptroller, adding he was, "hopeful there will be forgiveness. I am asking for it."

Spitzer is a graduate of Horace Mann School. After scoring 1590 out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Spitzer attended Princeton University and majored in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. At Princeton, he was elected chairman of the undergraduate student government, and graduated in 1981. He claims he received a perfect score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT),  and went on to attend Harvard Law School, where he met and married Silda Wall. Spitzer was an editor of the Harvard Law Review.

Is Anthony Weiner Jewish?

Anthony Weiner is Jewish. Weiner was born September 4, 1964. Weiner was born in Brooklyn, New York on September 4, 1964, one of three sons of Mort Weiner, a lawyer, and his wife Frances (née Finkelstein), a public high school mathematics teacher. The family lived for a time in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. His older brother, Seth, was killed at age 39 in a hit-and-run in May 2000. His younger brother, Jason, is a chef and co-owner of several New York restaurants.

Anthony Weiner is an American politician and former U.S. representative who served New York's 9th congressional district from January 1999 until June 2011. A member of the Democratic party, he won seven terms, never receiving less than 59% of the vote. Weiner resigned from Congress in June 2011, due to a sexting scandal. In May 2013, Weiner announced via a YouTube video that he would run for mayor of New York City in 2013.

Regarding the Jewish Anthony Weiner's second sexting scandal in July-August 2013, an article by Jodi Kantor in the NY Times compared Anthony Weiner's fall from grace (and that of Eliot Spitzer and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner) with Philip Roth's Portnoy's character:

When Politics Catches Up With ‘Portnoy’

THE plots and details seem lifted from Philip Roth or the early work of Woody Allen. Anthony D. Weiner, the Brooklyn bar mitzvah boy and would-be mayor whose intimate anatomy has now become a matter of public broadcast. Bob Filner, proud son of Forest Hills, Queens, whose California dream of a life — history professor, congressman, San Diego mayor — was undone by so much alleged lechery that the city he governed established a hot line for victims.

“I haven’t read a novel in 30 years, I’ve lived one,” Eliot Spitzer said in an interview. His version: the city boy with perfect LSAT scores, who was once called a potential first Jewish president and would now count himself lucky to be elected city comptroller.

Nearly half a century after the publication of “Portnoy’s Complaint,” politics is finally catching up with fiction, as libidinous, self-sabotaging politicians are causing grimaces among fellow Jews and retiring outdated cultural assumptions — that Jewish men make solid husbands and that sex scandals belong to others. “What’s wrong with Jewish men today?” Josh Greenman, opinion editor of The Daily News, recently tweeted.

The scandals are also leading to an unusual merging of political and religious questions that could help determine the outcome of the New York primary. That vote will take place on Sept. 10, right between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, bringing to vivid life the High Holy Days themes of repentance and forgiveness. During this year’s Days of Awe, New York Jews will literally render judgment on Mr. Spitzer and Mr. Weiner: as the liturgy goes, who will be degraded and who will be exalted. In rabbinic sermons and at holiday meals, they will debate questions like: If former president Bill Clinton can be absolved, can Jews extend similar treatment to two of their own? Do the sages, or the voters, feel that the slate can ever truly be wiped clean?

The confluence of scandals is an accident of timing; Jewish men have gotten themselves in trouble since the days of King David. But a cluster of scandals within one group tends to arouse the insecurities in its collective psyche; when David A. Paterson, then the governor of New York, and Representative Charles B. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat, were embroiled in simultaneous allegations of impropriety, some African-Americans feared that the leaders were targeted because they were black. Jews harbor their own historically grounded fears about reputation, acceptance and negative stereotypes, and those anxieties have flared recently in articles in the Jewish press and in conversations about Mr. Weiner, Mr. Spitzer and Mr. Filner.

On a recent Friday night, after Mr. Filner announced he would not resign, Rabbi Michael Berk of Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego’s largest synagogue, tore into him from the pulpit. “I’m sure I’m not the only Jew who is embarrassed,” he said. In a later interview, he expressed relief that to his knowledge, Mr. Filner is not a member of a synagogue.

Evangelical Christian politicians who cheat often raise questions about hypocrisy, especially if they preached piety in public and disregarded it in private. When Jewish politicians fall, they shatter different expectations, particularly that American Jews need to work together to preserve respectability and fireproof against anti-Semitism. Embarrassing the community is a grave transgression, defined in the Talmud as a “chilul Hashem,” or desecration of God’s name. In a poll conducted in early July by The New York Times and Siena College, Jews were substantially tougher than other primary voters on both Mr. Weiner and Mr. Spitzer, a reversal of the usual vote-your-kind rules of city politics, with 51 percent of Jewish Democratic primary voters expressing unfavorable impressions of each of the two candidates.

Even though Mr. Spitzer and Mr. Weiner are not terribly alike — the former prosecutor and governor running for a relatively modest position, and the provocateur with a thin legislative record who dreams of being mayor — many Jewish voters regard them in a similar light. Erica Jong, whose sexually frank novels make her possibly one of the least prudish voters in New York, said she could not forgive Mr. Spitzer. “It’s bad for the Jews, and it makes the anti-Semites say, ‘See, I told you they’re animals,’ ” she said. She considers sex a private matter in Jewish families: only after her father died did she discover that he had been a frequent visitor to massage parlors.

Similarly, when Mr. Weiner stopped in Flatbush, Brooklyn, last week at a kosher soup kitchen, an unnamed woman called him “a piece of dirt.” “I’m an observant Jew, and we want nothing to do with the likes of Anthony Weiner,” she added.

But Mr. Weiner’s latest waves of troubles may be helping Mr. Spitzer, making his comeback look more dignified, his sins less exotic. Shimon Rolnitzky of Der Shtern, a Yiddish-language magazine, said many fellow ultra-Orthodox Jews are planning to vote for Mr. Spitzer in part because they see his penance as more sincere than Mr. Weiner’s. Mr. Spitzer, a wealthy, assimilated Jew who never had a bar mitzvah, must now continue to ask forgiveness from a group he never identified with much. Though he is a member of Emanu-El in Manhattan and has also attended High Holy Days services with his parents at Central Synagogue in Midtown, he still does not seem at ease talking about faith.

Asked if Jewish faith or clergy helped after his fall, he demurred. Though he spoke at the time with Rabbi David M. Posner of Temple Emanu-El, he said: “I don’t remember specifically if my conversations with him were pivotal in any particular way.”

Some younger Jews say that they do not shudder over every wayward member of the tribe, that they don’t feel the same horror their parents once experienced over figures like Bernard L. Madoff, the Ponzi scheme king; David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam killer; or Joel Steinberg, convicted of manslaughter in the 1987 death of an illegally adopted daughter. Every prominent Jew who falls from grace cannot be a tragedy, “because we just have too many of them,” said Alana Newhouse, editor in chief of Tablet magazine. In recent weeks, Ryan (The Hebrew Hammer) Braun was suspended from the Milwaukee Brewers for using banned substances, and SAC Capital Advisors, the giant hedge fund run by Steven A. Cohen, was charged with insider trading.

Besides, as the country grows more ethnically scrambled, it is no longer easy to tell who should be proud or ashamed of whom. Many Jews say they felt relief upon learning that George Zimmerman, who shot Trayvon Martin, did not share their faith. Eric Garcetti is the first Jewish mayor of Los Angeles, but that is not very well known because his father, a former district attorney, is a Mexican-American with an Italian surname.

Some Jews even make the case that the Spitzer, Weiner and Filner stories are signifiers of integration, acceptance in an era in which the United States has at least 10 senators with some Jewish background and Jewish mayors of its three largest cities.

“Jewish politicians have achieved the standing and stature to be embroiled in classic American sex scandals,” said Matthew Hiltzik, a public relations consultant who worked with Mr. Spitzer on his 1998 attorney general race. “Some would say this is great news.”

Is Sam Waley-Cohen Jewish?

Sam Bernard Waley-Cohen is Jewish. He was born April 15, 1982. He is known as an English National Hunt amateur jockey, businessman and royal matchmaker. Waley-Cohen married Annabel Ballin in 2012.

Waley-Cohen is the son of Felicity Ann (Samuel) and businessman, racehorse breeder and trainer Robert Waley-Cohen, nephew of the theatre owner and producer Sir Stephen Waley-Cohen Bt. and grandson of Lord Mayor of London, Bernard Waley-Cohen. His maternal grandfather was Marcus Samuel, 3rd Viscount Bearsted. He was educated at the Dragon School in Oxford, St Edward's School (also in Oxford), and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

Waley-Cohen is a Celebrity Ambassador for The Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) and was famously pictured with Katherine Middleton at the Roller Disco he organised to raise money for a ward in memory of his brother. When Prince Williams future wife fell over on her skates the pictures made news world wide. Sam again hit the press in 2011 when he was credited with being the matchmaker who brought the Duke and Duchess back together following their earlier split.

Is Amanda Bynes Jewish?

Amanda Bynes is Jewish. Born Amanda Laura Bynes on April 3, 1986, Bynes was raised in Thousand Oaks, California (part of the Greater Los Angeles Area), the youngest of three children of Lynn (née Organ), a dental assistant and office manager, and Rick Bynes, a dentist.

Bynes has two older siblings, Tommy (born 1973), a chiropractor, and Jillian (born 1983), who has a B.A. in History from UCLA and has also acted. Bynes' ancestors immigrated from Ireland, Poland, Russia, and Romania, and her maternal grandparents are from Toronto, Ontario. Her father is Catholic and her mother is Jewish. Bynes has described herself as Jewish.

Wiki Commons
In 2007, regarding her religious beliefs, Bynes stated: "As far as religion, I was raised both. I learned about both Judaism and Catholicism. My parents said it was up to me to decide [which faith to adhere to] when I grew up. I'm sort of a spiritual person anyway. I haven't decided yet on a religion. I don't know yet exactly what I believe."

Bynes rose to prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000s on the Nickelodeon series All That and The Amanda Show. From 2002 to 2006, she starred on the WB sitcom What I Like About You. Bynes has also starred in several films, including What a Girl Wants (2003), She's the Man (2006), Hairspray (2007), Sydney White (2007) and Easy A (2010).

Following several charges for vehicular crimes in 2012, Bynes was arrested in May 2013 for charges related to marijuana possession and was placed under an involuntary psychiatric hold two months later.

Is Natasha Lyonne Jewish?

Natasha Lyonne is Jewish. Born Natasha Lyonne Braunstein on April 4, 1979, Lyonne is an American stage, film, and television actress, known for her roles in the American Pie series, as well as the films Everyone Says I Love You, Slums of Beverly Hills, But I'm a Cheerleader, and Blade: Trinity. She is a co-star on the Netflix series "Orange is the New Black" by Jenji Kohan of Weeds.

Lyonne was born in Manhattan, New York City, the daughter of Yvette and Aaron Braunstein, who worked as a boxing promoter and radio host. Her maternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

Source: Photo by Joe Mabel (wiki commons)
Lyonne grew up in an Orthodox Jewish household. Her parents moved to Israel, where Natasha spent a few years of her early childhood. After parents divorced and Natasha and her older brother Adam returned to the US with their mother. She attended Ramaz School, a private Jewish school. Her mother then moved to Miami, where Natasha attended and graduated from Miami Country Day School.

Natasha Lyonne had well-publicized battles with hard-drug substance abuse from 2001-2007 and was arrested several times. She almost died from a drug-related illness and in 2012, she underwent heart surgery, from which she quickly recovered.

Is Helen Thomas Jewish

Helen Thomas was not Jewish. The American author and news service reporter was a member of the White House press corps and an opinion columnist.

Born in Winchester, Kentucky, Helen Thomas was the seventh of the ten children of George and Mary (Rowady) Thomas, immigrants from Tripoli, Lebanon. Thomas was raised mainly in Detroit, Michigan, where her family moved when she was four years old, and where her father ran a grocery store. She was raised as a Christian in the Greek Orthodox Church.

Helen Thomas worked for the United Press and United Press International (UPI) for 57 years, first as a correspondent, and later as White House bureau manager. She was a columnist for Hearst Newspapers from 2000 to 2010, writing on national affairs and the White House.

A rabbi on the White House grounds with his son and a teenage friend for a May 27, 2010 American Jewish Heritage Celebration Day, questioned Thomas as she was leaving the White House via the North Lawn driveway. When asked for comments on Israel, she replied: "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine." and "Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not German, it's not Poland..." When asked where Israeli Jews should go, she replied they could "go home" to Poland or Germany or "America and everywhere else. Why push people out of there who have lived there for centuries?"

On June 4, Thomas posted the following response on her web site:
"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

Thomas died on July 20, 2013, at her home in Washington, D.C. at the age of 92, just two weeks short of her 93rd birthday.

Is Steven Weber Jewish?

Steven Weber, the actor known for his role in the 1990s sitcom Wings, is Jewish. Weber was born in Briarwood, Queens, New York. His mother, Fran, was a nightclub singer, and his father, Stuart Weber, was a nightclub performer and manager of Borscht Belt comedians. His family was Jewish.[4] Weber graduated from Manhattan's High School of Performing Arts (1979) and the State University of New York at Purchase.

Weber wrote about his Jewish upbringing in a 2011 personal essay in the Huffington Post:

Sometimes when there was a lull in the evening's festivities, the kids were allowed to sit among the assembled adults at the foot of a record player and listen to comedy records with a decidedly Jewish flavor: Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner's 2000 Year Old Man album being a favorite, guaranteed to swap the high-volume political arguments with high-volume hysterics. And the kids observed as the elders laughed uproariously at the record's joyously precise schtick, a celebration of the humor inherent in the mannerisms and quirks of modern Jewish culture. Even at my early age, I sensed that Jews could be both intensely serious and comfortably self-mocking, a combination which was somehow evolved, sophisticated, even humble.
In my teens I became aware of other aspects of Jewish life as I saw the orthodox Hasidim walking with their families to synagogue on Saturday mornings, clad in their alien black garb, their young sons sporting close-cropped hair flanked by swaying ringlets. And I began to question my connection to these particular people who also called themselves Jews, but who approached their identity with infinitely more effort and gravitas than I ever had, incredulous that we had anything in common at all.
My education of the events in Europe covering the period of 1933 to 1945 came in my 7th grade history class. The subject of Jewish persecution was a fairly common one among family and friends, usually referred to in a humorous context or obliquely referenced in one of the aforementioned family debates, its existence placed squarely in the dark ages where such virulence thrived, a phenomenon of the distant past -- a notion that my own antisemitism-free upbringing surely confirmed.
Until my class history concluded with a showing of the film "Night and Fog".
To actually see the things we had up till then only read or heard of wrenched our understanding of recent Jewish history out of the comfortably abstract and into the terrifyingly real. And the terrible images were of people who looked incredibly familiar to me: they were the oddly costumed Hasidim who walked with their families on Saturdays. They were the grandparents who made soup and kasha for me. They were the cousins who laughed and argued in my living room. They were the quiet husband and wife who sold me candy.
Armed with this new and sobering knowledge, I developed a solidarity with my Jewish identity which had not been present before. But it was combined with what was perhaps an unconscious refusal to connect the unchallenged, carefree Jewishness I had grown up with and the grave, imperiled Jewishness with which I had just become ineluctably identified, and I was now left with a feeling that was at once anxious and remote. A feeling that was to stay with me for many years.

Is Craig David Jewish?

Craig David is a Jew because his maternal grandmother is a convert to Judaism. David was born in Southampton, Hampshire, the son of Tina (née Loftus), a retail assistant at Superdrug, and George David, a carpenter, and grew up in the Holyrood estate. David's father is Grenadian and David's mother is English and related to the founders of the Accurist watch-making company; David's maternal grandfather was an Orthodox Jew and his maternal grandmother a convert to Judaism.

David's parents separated when he was eight and he was raised by his mother. He attended Bellemoor School and Southampton City College.

David's father played bass in a reggae band called Ebony Rockers. As a teen, David began accompanying his father to local dance clubs, where DJs let him take the microphone.

Craig David is an English singer-songwriter who rose to fame in 1999 featuring on the single "Re-Rewind" by Artful Dodger. David's debut album, Born to Do It, was released on 14 August 2000, after which he has since released five further studio albums and worked with a variety of artists such as Tinchy Stryder, Kano, Jay Sean, Rita Ora and Sting.

Is Mandy Patinkin Jewish?

Mandy Patinkin is Jewish. The actor Patinkin was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Doris "Doralee" (Sinton), a homemaker, and Lester Patinkin, who worked for the People's Iron & Metal Company and the Scrap Corporation of America. His mother wrote Grandma Doralee Patinkin's Jewish Family Cookbook.

Mandy Patinkin grew up in a middle-class family, descended from Russian- and Polish- Jews, and was raised in Conservative Judaism, attending religious school daily "from the age of seven to 13 or 14" and singing in synagogue choirs, as well as attending the Camp Surah in Michigan.

He attended South Shore High School, Harvard St. George School, Kenwood Academy (1970 graduate), the University of Kansas, and Juilliard School. At Juilliard, he was a classmate of Kelsey Grammer. When the producers of the popular American sitcom Cheers were auditioning for the role of Dr. Frasier Crane, Patinkin put Grammer's name forward.

Patinkin is well known for his portrayal of Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride in 1987. His other film credits include Alien Nation (1988), Yentl (1983), and Dick Tracy (1990). He has appeared in major roles in television series such as Chicago Hope, Dead Like Me, and Criminal Minds, and plays Saul Berenson in the Showtime series Homeland.

Is Cory Monteith Jewish?

Cory Monteith is not Jewish. The actor known for his role on Glee was born in Calgary, Alberta on May 11, 1982 and died on July 13, 2013.

He was the younger son of Ann McGregor, an interior decorator, and Joe Monteith, a military man who served in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. He had an older brother named Shaun. Monteith's parents divorced when he was seven years old, and he and his older brother were raised by their mother in Victoria, British Columbia.

Before breaking into show business, Monteith worked various jobs, including Walmart people greeter, taxicab driver, school bus driver, and roofer.

Monteith was in a relationship with Lea Michele, his Glee costar who has stated she considers herself Jewish despite being raised in her mother's Catholic faith.

Is Adam Sandler Jewish?

Adam Sandler is Jewish. Adam Richard Sandler was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Stanley, an electrical engineer, and Judy Sandler, a nursery school teacher. His parents both descended from immigrants from Russia on both sides. He attended Manchester Central High School and graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts in 1988.

Adam Sandler married actress Jacqueline Samantha Titone on June 22, 2003. She converted to Judaism, in 2000. Sandler and Titone have two daughters: Sadie Madison Sandler (born 2006) and Sunny Madeline Sandler (born 2008). Sandler lives with his family in Los Angeles, but also owns homes in New York City and Florida.

In addition to an animated movie about Hanukkah called "8 Crazy Nights", Sandler also wrote and has performed several versions of "The Chanukah Song", a humorous song written by comedian Adam Sandler with Saturday Night Live writers Lewis Morton and Ian Maxtone-Graham and originally performed by Sandler on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update on December 3, 1994. Sandler subsequently performed the song as part of his stand-up act, later updating it with new lyrics. All variations center on the theme of Jewish children feeling alienated during the Christmas season, and Sandler's listing of Jewish celebrities (both real and fictional) as a way of sympathizing with their situation.

The song begins with a few lines that rhyme with Harmonica and Hanukkah, and just before the listing begins a repeated theme of the song says: "Instead of one day of presents, we get eight crazy nights!". The end of that sentence - "eight crazy nights" is shouted together with the crowd.

Jewish Celebrities referenced in the versions of "The Chanukah Song":

Original Song:

David Lee Roth
James Caan
Kirk Douglas
Dinah Shore (replaced in some performances with Pauly Shore)
The Carnegie Deli (noted for traditional Jewish fare)
Bowzer (Jon Bauman) from Sha Na Na
Arthur Fonzarelli (Henry Winkler)
Paul Newman (half-Jewish)
Goldie Hawn (half-Jewish)
Captain Kirk (William Shatner)
Spock (Leonard Nimoy)
The owner of the Seattle SuperSonics (Barry Ackerley)
O. J. Simpson described as "not a Jew!" to great applause from the audience.
Rod Carew (He converted) (*This is an error; Carew married a Jewish woman, but he did not convert to Judaism).
Ann Landers
"Dear Abby" (Pauline Phillips at the time.)
Harrison Ford (quarter-Jewish) (This is an error; Ford's mother is actually fully Jewish).[3]
Ebenezer Scrooge, described as not Jewish.
The Three Stooges
Tom Cruise's agent (Cruise is not Jewish).
During the final verse, performed originally on Saturday Night Live and on a radio cut, Sandler sings the line "Drink your gin and tonic-ah, but don't smoke marijuan-icah". On the uncut album version, and during various concert appearances, the line was changed to "Drink your gin and tonic-ah, and smoke your marijuan-icah". The uncut version, despite the reference to marijuana, receives most radio airplay today; another radio edit skips completely over the gin and tonic/marijuana line altogether.

Part II (1999)

The "The Chanukah Song, Part II" was recorded live at Brandeis University for Sandler's 1999 album Stan and Judy's Kid.

Persons referenced in "The Chanukah Song, Part II":

Winona Ryder (whose father is Jewish)
Ralph Lauren
Calvin Klein
Louise Post and Nina Gordon of Veruca Salt
Michael "Mike D" Diamond, Adam "MCA" Yauch, and Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz of the Beastie Boys (Diamond and Yauch are Jewish, and Horovitz's father was Jewish)
Lenny Kravitz (half-Jewish)
Courtney Love (half-Jewish) (an error; neither of her parents was Jewish).
Harvey Keitel
Jennifer Beals (an error; Beals says she once wanted to be Jewish, but is not).[4]
Yasmine Bleeth (her father was Jewish)
Dustin Hoffman (referred to as Dustin Hoffmanica)
O.J. Simpson, "still not a Jew"
Don Messick, voice actor of Scooby Doo (This is an error; Messick was not Jewish)
Bob Dylan, "was born a jew then he wasn't but now he's back"
Robert Levine, husband of Mary Tyler Moore
Tiger Woods ("No, I'm not talkin' 'bout Tiger Woods".)
Happy Gilmore, Sandler's title character in the 1996 film
Bruce Springsteen, who "isn't Jewish", but "[Sandler's] mother thinks he is".
Other pop culture references include: Manischewitz wine, Hooked on Phonics and Tijuana, Mexico.

Part III (2002)

Included on the Eight Crazy Nights soundtrack featuring vocals from actor Rob Schneider and the children's choir The Drei-Dels.

Persons referenced in "The Chanukah Song, Part III":

Ross (David Schwimmer) and Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) from Friends
David Lander (Squiggy) of Laverne & Shirley
Debra Messing
Melissa Gilbert (was adopted by a Jewish mother and raised in her faith)
Michael Landon (Landon's father was Jewish).
Jerry Lewis
Ben Stiller (Stiller's dad Jerry Stiller is Jewish, and mom Anne Meara, who is of Irish Catholic background, converted to Reform Judaism).
Jack Black (dad converted to Judaism, mom was born Jewish.)
Tom Arnold ("converted to Judaism, but you guys can have him back!")
Deuce Bigalow, Rob Schneider's title character of the 1999 film (Schneider is half-Jewish) he comes on stage an states I'm Jewish, stays for the chorus then sings- Mickey Raphael ("The guy in Willie Nelson's band who plays harmonica celebrates Hanukkah!") then Sandler says, "tiny Elvis, ladies and gentlemen tiny Elvis." Turning to Schneider, he says, "Schneider, I did not even know you were Jewish. He responds, "I'm a Filipino Jew; in fact, I got to run home and light the first pig," to which Sandler replies, "get going," and then continues the song.
Osama bin Laden, who is "not a big fan of the Jews".
Sarah Hughes (half-Jewish; "her mama's Jewish")
Harry Houdini
David Blaine (his mother was Jewish)
Gwyneth Paltrow (half-Jewish)
Jennifer Connelly (half-Jewish)
Lou Reed
Perry Farrell
Beck (maternal great-grandmother was Jewish)
Paula Abdul
Joey Ramone
Natalie Portman (as "Natalie Portmanika")

Is Matt Nosanchuk Jewish?

Matt Nosanchuk is Jewish. Nosanchuk was named the White House's Jewish Liaison by President Barack Obama in July 2013. His official title is associate director of the White House Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach.

He grew up in the Detroit area. His cousin is a Reform rabbi in Cleveland. He was previously the Justice Department's Gay Liaison.

Nosanchuk received his undergraduate and law degree from Stanford University and joined the Obama administration in 2009 as a senior counselor in the Justice Department’s civil rights division, where, according to JTA, he “helped shape the Obama administration’s response to a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act.” He was awarded the inaugural Stonewall Award by the American Bar Association in February.

He’s also a longtime member of Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland, which seems as good a place for liaising as any.

Is Gary David Goldberg Jewish?

Gary David Goldberg was Jewish. Famous for being an American writer and producer for television and film, Goldberg was best known for his work on Family Ties (1982–89), Spin City (1996–2002), and his semi-autobiographical series Brooklyn Bridge (1991–93).

Gary David Goldberg was born on June 25, 1944, in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Anne (née Prossman) and George Goldberg, a postal worker. Goldberg attended and graduated from Lafayette High School in Brooklyn. He studied at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, and San Diego State University, ultimately deciding to become a writer. In 1969, he met the woman who would become his wife, Diana Meehan.

Gary David Goldberg died June 22, 2013 after a long battle with brain cancer in Moticedo, California. 

Is Marc Rich Jewish?

Billionaire Marc Rich was Jewish. Known recently as the billionaire who was pardoned by President Bill Clinton over what had once been the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history, Marc Rich invented oil trading and was praised for busting sanctions with Iran

Rich was born in 1934 to a Jewish family in Antwerp, Belgium to working-class Jewish parents. The family emigrated to the United States in 1941 to escape the Nazis. Marc Rich attended high school at the Rhodes Preparatory School in the Manhattan borough of New York City and NYU but dropped out to go work.

Marc Rich first married Denise Eisenberg, a songwriter and heiress to a New England shoe manufacturing fortune, in 1966. They divorced in 1996, but she continues to use the name Denise Rich. They had three children, one of whom, Gabrielle Rich Aouad, predeceased her parents.

According to the Jewish Daily Forward, the Belgian born Marc Rich became "the most successful and controversial trader of his time and a fugitive from U.S. justice, enjoying decades of comfortable privacy at his sprawling Villa Rosa on Lake Lucerne."

Marc Rich died on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 from a stroke in Switzerland. He was 78.